2013年8月27日 星期二

Common problems during teething

  • Why is the newly erupted front teeth serrated on the edge?
    It is normal for newly erupted front teeth to appear saw-shaped on the edge. It will be naturally grinded and become flat after a period of time.
  • My child’s upper front teeth are flared with a gap in between. Does he/she need orthodontic treatment?
    This is a transitional period called ‘the ugly duckling stage’. Under normal circumstances, when the upper jaw develops well and the canines on both sides erupt, the front teeth will straighten and the gap will close up.
  • My child’s lower permanent front tooth erupted behind the deciduous front tooth. Is it necessary to extract the deciduous front tooth?
    Generally speaking, the deciduous front tooth will naturally exfoliate and the permanent front tooth will erupt into the space. The tip of tongue will push the permanent front tooth forward into the space left by the deciduous tooth. Therefore, there is no need to extract the deciduous front tooth.
  • The newly erupted permanent front teeth are not well aligned. Can the neighbouring deciduous teeth be extracted to allow front teeth to align correctly?
    Since permanent teeth are bigger than deciduous teeth, and jawbones are not completely developed in children, the newly erupted permanent teeth may not have enough room to align properly and they look crowded. However, we usually cannot determine whether the permanent teeth will have a good alignment until the first premolar are erupted and jawbones’ development have stabilized If you have any queries please ask your dentist for further advice.
  • My child’s has irregular teeth. When is the suitable time for him/her to have orthodontic treatment?
    Generally speaking, we cannot assure whether the tooth alignment is irregular or not until all the permanent teeth have replaced the deciduous teeth and the development of jawbones have stabilized. Then, we could decide whether an orthodontic treatment is needed.
  • Is there a problem if tooth transition happens later in my child than his/her friends of the same age?
    You don’t need to worry since the timing of tooth transition varies between different individuals. If your have any queries regarding tooth transition, you may consult your dentist.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

