2017年11月21日 星期二

Improve your smile? Artificial Crowns and Veneers?

Periodontal plastic procedures can give you a perfect smile and boost your confidence so you can be at your best. Cosmetic surgery has become more popular than ever before especially now that people are living longer and aging more gracefully with the help of plastic surgery. Periodontal plastic surgery has also felt this trend as it has experienced a significant shift toward cosmetic-related surgery to help make smiles last a lifetime.


1) Artificial crowns
A dental crown is a customized tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a tooth - covering the tooth to restore its shape and size, strength, and/or to improve its appearance. The crown can (i) protect a weak tooth from breaking; (ii) restore tooth that has been severely worn down; (iii)  Cover misshapened or severely discolored teeth.  Preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires two visits to the dentist -- the first step involves examining and preparing the tooth and the second visit involves placement of the permanent crown. 

(2) Veneers
Severely stained or chipped teeth may require Veneers, ultra-thin sculpted pieces of tooth-colored porcelain that fit over the front of your teeth.
At first, the dentist will check and examine your tooth. To prepare a tooth for a veneer, your dentist will remove the enamel from the tooth surface, which is an amount nearly equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the tooth surface. Next, your dentist will make an impression (mould) of your tooth. The veneer color can be adjusted with the shade of cement to be used. Next, your tooth will be cleaned, polished, and etched -- Once properly position on the tooth, your dentist will apply a special light beam to the dental veneer, which activates chemicals in the cement causing it to harden or cure very quickly. The final steps involve removing any excess cement, evaluating your bite and making any final adjustments in the veneer as necessary.  The Veneer could be removed technicially by dentist if needed.  

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2017年11月8日 星期三

個人化全口植牙 - 傳統牙托難媲美




三種植牙手術 提升生活質素

傳統牙托會令生活質素大打折扣,上下顎配戴牙托或嚴重牙周病的人士,可進行全口植牙手術,「即剝即做」,若符合條件,更可即時安裝臨時牙橋或牙托,即時進 食。全口植牙手術共分為兩類包括固定式及半固定式。以固定式為例,分別為All –On- Four及全口種植;半固定式則為覆蓋式牙托。

有關選擇合適的全口植牙手術,具植牙經驗的牙醫會先作臨床檢查,診斷患者是否適合植牙,並以電腦掃描進行術前評估,若牙床骨量足夠,以及患者同意下,可進 行全口種植植牙手術,先在上下顎各安裝10至12顆全鈦金屬的人工種植體,在植體上安裝金屬陶瓷或全瓷的牙橋或牙托,每隻假牙均有一顆人工種植體支撐;相 反,若上下顎牙床骨量不足的患者,則可進行All –On- Four植牙手術,各以4顆人工種植體支撐上下顎牙橋或牙托。


全口植牙 一日辦妥


如有需要,可進行術前檢測,接受數碼式軟件檢查,準確地預測植牙的位置、角度及大小,提升手術的準確性,並且預先度身訂做臨時牙托或牙橋。一般情況下,只 需在植牙前先進行“Digital Planning”檢查,便可在安裝人工植體後,即時戴上臨時牙托或牙橋,不用如訂做牙模般要花數小時等候。

全覆蓋式牙托 缺牙骨者佳音

不過,若沒有合適牙床骨,是否不能進行全口植牙手術?患者不用灰心,雖然不適合做固定式的植牙手術,但仍能進行半固定性的覆蓋式牙托手術,上下顎僅各安裝 2至3顆人工植體。他解釋,該覆蓋式牙托可隨時拆除,與使用啪鈕近似,除了配戴舒適外,亦不會弄傷牙肉,以及方便清洗。他坦言,不少長者使用覆蓋式牙托 後,也感到很滿意,大大提升生活質素,可隨時進食喜愛的食物,不會像傳統全口牙托易崩易鬆。

參考資料:   www.bjdental.com