2013年8月27日 星期二


  • 請勿漱口及吐口水
  • 請勿用手指或舌頭擦弄傷口
  • 請勿喝含有酒精的飲料
  • 請勿做劇烈運動

若傷口再度流血,可嘗試將清潔的棉花或紗布放在傷口,緊咬三十分鐘,幫助止血。 如傷口持續出血,請立刻返回有關牙科診所接受治療。


  • 不要咬咀唇或舌頭
  • 避免進食太熱的食物或飲料
  • 用沒有麻痺感覺的那一邊牙齒來咀嚼食物



Common problems during teething

  • Why is the newly erupted front teeth serrated on the edge?
    It is normal for newly erupted front teeth to appear saw-shaped on the edge. It will be naturally grinded and become flat after a period of time.
  • My child’s upper front teeth are flared with a gap in between. Does he/she need orthodontic treatment?
    This is a transitional period called ‘the ugly duckling stage’. Under normal circumstances, when the upper jaw develops well and the canines on both sides erupt, the front teeth will straighten and the gap will close up.
  • My child’s lower permanent front tooth erupted behind the deciduous front tooth. Is it necessary to extract the deciduous front tooth?
    Generally speaking, the deciduous front tooth will naturally exfoliate and the permanent front tooth will erupt into the space. The tip of tongue will push the permanent front tooth forward into the space left by the deciduous tooth. Therefore, there is no need to extract the deciduous front tooth.
  • The newly erupted permanent front teeth are not well aligned. Can the neighbouring deciduous teeth be extracted to allow front teeth to align correctly?
    Since permanent teeth are bigger than deciduous teeth, and jawbones are not completely developed in children, the newly erupted permanent teeth may not have enough room to align properly and they look crowded. However, we usually cannot determine whether the permanent teeth will have a good alignment until the first premolar are erupted and jawbones’ development have stabilized If you have any queries please ask your dentist for further advice.
  • My child’s has irregular teeth. When is the suitable time for him/her to have orthodontic treatment?
    Generally speaking, we cannot assure whether the tooth alignment is irregular or not until all the permanent teeth have replaced the deciduous teeth and the development of jawbones have stabilized. Then, we could decide whether an orthodontic treatment is needed.
  • Is there a problem if tooth transition happens later in my child than his/her friends of the same age?
    You don’t need to worry since the timing of tooth transition varies between different individuals. If your have any queries regarding tooth transition, you may consult your dentist.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年8月22日 星期四

牙齒矯正 (箍牙) 小提示






資料來源: www.bjdental.com


Solutions to common problems encountered during toothbrushing

Areas that are hard to reach by a toothbrush are difficult to be cleaned by tooth brushing. For example, the inner surfaces of lower teeth or crooked teeth:
The solution is to clean with a small head toothbrush or a single-tuft toothbrush.

Gagging when brushing:
Some people may gag when they brush their teeth. To improve this situation, you can choose to use a toothbrush with a small head.

Gingivae bleeds and hurts when brushing:
The accumulation of dental plaque causes gingival inflammation. In that case, the gingivae (gum) will bleed when brushing. You can choose to use a soft toothbrush to clean away the plaque in such areas. Gingival inflammation will slowly subside and the gingivae will become healthy when the oral hygiene has improved.

Points to note
  • Even if you have grasped the toothbrushing technique, it is important to use appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Toothbrushing cannot remove plaque from the adjacent tooth surfaces. They have to be cleaned by dental floss or floss holder.
  • The order of brushing and flossing does not affect the effectiveness of tooth cleaning. As long as we use the correct technique, we can achieve satisfactory results.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年8月14日 星期三

Prevention for Early Childhood Caries

Good dietary habits
  • No more than six regular meals a day should be allowed. After 2 years of age, only let your child eat three meals per day and take sufficient amount of food during each meal. One snack is allowed in between meals if your child feels hungry.
  • Do not let toddlers sleep with a bottle in their mouth.
  • Try to use a cup instead of a bottle for feeding when the toddler is 12 months old.
Appropriately clean the child’s mouth everyday
  • Starting from the baby’s birth, parents should use gauze, cotton, or towel moistened with drinking water to clean the baby’s mouth.
  • Wipe the front teeth when they are erupted.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush the teeth daily when the deciduous molars are erupted.
  • If the child knows how to spit out water, you can let him brush with children’s fluoride toothpaste (a pea sized blob) every morning and before bed at night. Every night after the child brushes, parents should supplement his/her brushing.
Regular dental check-up annually
A child should have his/her first oral check-up six months after he/she has his/her first tooth or when he/she is one year old. After that, parents should bring their children for regular dental check-up at least once per year.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年8月12日 星期一


  • 當您除下隱形牙箍時,可以如常清潔牙齒及使用牙線,讓您輕鬆保持牙齒及牙齦的健康。
  • 隱適美矯齒療程能讓您隨時大方展現笑容,連好友都難以發現您正在矯齒。
  • 想吃零食?沒問題!沒有傳統金屬牙箍的不便與飲食限制,只要把隱形牙箍除下,您就可以隨時享受美食。
  • 使用隱適美矯齒療程只需大約4-6星期覆診一次,療程期間病人需按時佩戴,而每次的覆診時間相對較少,絕不影響您的工作或行程。
  • 任何場合,任何時刻,隱適美讓您表現自然不拘束。
  • 隱適美隱形牙箍輕薄透明,讓您戴著牙箍也可以展現迷人笑容。
  • 選擇使用隱適美矯齒療程不會大幅度改變您的生活習慣,反而它能於不知不覺間融入您的生活,讓您輕輕鬆鬆地矯正牙齒。
  • 只要每日佩戴隱適美隱形牙箍至少22小時,您便可以選擇在特別的場合或約會時自行除下牙箍,不妨礙您渡過每個特別的時刻。

參考資料: www.bjdental.com


2013年8月6日 星期二

Why a good dental health is important for good general health?

Gum disease can affect the state of your whole body. Over the past few years, studies have shown a definitive link between your oral health and your general health. Here are a few of the many health problems that can be aggravated by poor oral hygiene:
1. Stroke
Those with adult periodontitis may have increased risk of stroke.

2. Respiratory Infections
i. Inhaling bacteria from the mouth and throat can lead to pneumonia.
ii. Dental plaque buildup creates a dangerous source of bacteria that can be inhaled into the lungs.

3. Heart Disease
i. Those with adult periodontitis may have increased risk of fatal heart attack.
ii. And are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.
iii. Bacteria from the mouth may cause clotting problems in the cardiovascular system.

4. Severe Osteopenia
i. Reduction in bone mass (osteopenia) is associated with gum disease and related tooth loss.
ii. Severity has been connected to tooth loss in postmenopausal women.

5. Uncontrolled Diabetes
i. Chronic periodontal disease can disrupt diabetic control.
ii. Diabetes can contribute to bacterial overgrowth in the mouth.
iii. Smokers with diabetes increase their risk of tooth loss by twenty times.
iv. People with type II diabetes are three times as likely to develop periodontal disease than are no diabetics.

6. Preterm or low birth weight babies
i. Women with advanced gum disease may be more likely to give birth to an underweight or preterm baby.
ii. Oral microbes can cross the placental barrier, exposing the fetus to infection.

Remember, there are a number of advanced oral care remedies available to control or eliminate periodontal disease, such as antimicrobial mouth-washes, flossing regularly, and certain medications…and you thought all you needed was a toothbrush!
Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.