2016年10月31日 星期一





為何口腔內會無端端出現牙石呢?原來牙石就是鈣化後的牙菌膜,牙科醫生王志偉表示,口腔內 每天都會不斷有牙菌膜積聚,需要每天刷牙及用牙線將牙菌膜清除。當我們口腔護理不足或沒有好好養成正確的口腔護理習慣的話,牙菌膜就會慢慢利用唾液中的礦 物鹽而逐漸鈣化。而鈣化後牙菌膜會由透明柔軟變得灰白堅硬,那便是我們所說的牙石。王醫生指出牙石形成後便不能輕易刷走,而且其表面凹凸不平,食物色素容 易依附其上,特別是經常吸煙、喝咖啡的人,被染色的牙石會使他們的牙齒變得格外啡黃,非常影響外觀儀容。


當然,牙石積聚不單止影響外觀,王醫生指出:「牙石表面多孔的結構使它更容易積聚污物細 菌,亦會使刷牙時更難以清潔,因此牙石的多少,一般與牙周病是成正比例的。」此外,王醫生指出,牙石在鹼性的環境會更易形成,而口水除了含礦物鹽外,一般 亦是偏鹼性的,舌底和口腔兩邊是唾液腺排放口水的出口,因此這兩處附近會特別容易積聚牙石。

至於一般市民如何能知道自己有沒有牙石問題呢?王醫生就說一般 可靠目測,因牙石特別易上色,所以牙肉邊緣顯得特別啡黃的話就應該有牙石問題。此外,牙齒因本身不是一粒粒方正的四方體,牙齒的弧度在排列時必定會有縫 隙,所以如果你用舌頭觸碰牙齒背面時感覺不到凹凸不平,那同樣有可能出現牙石問題。


雖然牙石不能透過刷牙清除,不過只要找合資格的牙醫處理,其實不難除掉。王醫生指出,一般 可以用手工具刮除牙石和用超聲波將牙石震散兩種清除方法。牙石雖然堅固,但仍遠不及牙齒本身的硬度,所以用儀器一般只會刮走牙石,不用擔心會磨損牙齒。

而 超聲波技術,現在大部分牙醫均已採用,可以不怎麼費勁就能將牙石震散沖走,對牙齒本身的影響也非常輕微。王醫生表示,如果有能力把所有牙菌膜都清除的話, 不一定要定期洗牙;可是一般人都不能百分百做到完美,況且定期找牙醫不只為了洗牙,也要檢查其他問題(例如蛀牙),所以一般建議半年至一年必須找牙醫檢查 及洗牙一次。

不過如果本身牙齒不齊、佩戴假牙或會增加清潔的困難,就可能要檢查得頻密一點。最後王醫生還指出,口腔在進食時其實也有自潔作用,多吃一些纖 維性重的粗糧,對牙齒健康也有幫助。與此同時,也要記着「物極必反」,過分吃這些粗糧也可能令牙齒磨損。


2016年10月24日 星期一


總括來說,補牙材料大概分為銀粉金屬物料 (例如 :水銀合金) 及瓷粉牙色物料 (例如 :複合材料、玻璃離子樹脂) 兩大類。不同的物料各有不同的特性,所以會在不同情況下使用。




跟據一九九五年FDI世界牙醫協會及世界衛生組織發表的聲明 ,在牙齒修補物料的成份中,包括水銀合金在內,在極罕有的情況下,才會引起局部的副作用或過敏的反應。現時仍沒有任何科學文獻指出水銀合金對人體有害,所以替牙齒換水銀合金補牙物料是不必要的。

世界衛生組織定下的水銀氣體高限數值為每天300-500ug. 從一位瑞典牙科醫生的量度研究數據中發現人體平均每天從水銀合金補牙材料所吸入的水銀氣體只有1.7ug. 為高限數值的一成。我們體內的水銀來源是從多方面的。實際上,我們從魚類食物所吸取的水銀比從補牙材料所吸取的更多。比較起來,水銀合金補牙材料所涉漏的 水銀氣體是極少的。

參考資: www.bjdental.com

2016年10月17日 星期一

Dental Implant (2)

What are the advantages of dental implant?
-              Do not need to support of the nearby teeth, do not need to reduce the size of healthy teeth.
-              Do not need to be taken off and cleaned.
-              Dental implant made of titanium is durable and solid, a single dental implant can support 10 to 12 artificial teeth.
-              The stability of artificial teeth is very high, it does not affect the sensation of mastication.
-              The success rate of dental implant is very high. For the lower jaw, it is 95%. For the upper jaw, it is 90%.

What is total oral rehabilitation?

All –On- Four total oral rehabilitation requires to place 4 to 6 titanium implants in each jaw. Dentist will undergo clinical examination first, and then use digital instrument to predict the tooth location and dental implant size. If the patient is suitable for total oral rehabilitation, dentist will remove the teeth on the upper jaw or lower jaw first. Then, the dentist will sterilize the gum and place 4 to 6 titanium implants in each jaw. After mounting the artificial implant, dentist can produce the impression of teeth and dental bridges. Dentists will mount the dental bridge with the dental implant by screws. Under general condition, after the surgery of dental implant of upper jaw or lower jaw, dentist can undergo the surgery of the other jaw on the next day.

After about 3 months, when the gum which is near the dental implant has been healed and the dental implants have combined with the jaw bone, dentists can mount the new dental bridge. This surgery requires local anaesthesia, if necessary, the patient can undergo general anaesthesia.

Mount the dental implant with alveolar bone
Waiting for 6 months until the dental implant combines with the jaw bone 
Produce the artificial teeth on the impression of the teeth
Place the artificial teeth to the oral cavity, which are beautiful and natural.
Artificial teeth can also be implanted in the position of molar.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2016年10月12日 星期三

Dental Implant (1)

What patients suitable for dental implant?

When there is shifting in your teeth and your teeth stat to loose, e.g. periodontal disease, it is suitable for you to undergo dental implant treatment. There is no age limit for dental implant. However, it may not suitable for teenagers as their development of skeleton have not completed yet. Besides, patients with severe diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney disease, AIDS, insufficient bone in the oral cavity or severe fear of dental implant is not suitable for dental implant. In fact, dentist will undergo clinical examination first, and then use digital tools to predict the tooth location and dental implant size. After these procedures, dentist will decide whether the patient is suitable for dental implant.

What are the processes of dental implant?

After anaesthetic injection, the dentist will remove the tooth from upper jaw or lower jaw. The dentist will then sterilize the gum, mount the dental implant which is made of titanium or titanium alloy with the bone of oral cavity. After that, the dentist can take the impression of the teeth. The impression of the teeth is used to produce tailor-made dental bridge. After few hours, temporary dental bridge will be produced. Dentist will mount the dental bridge with the dental implant by screws. After about 3 months, when the dental implant has combined with the jaw bone and the gum shrinkage has reached a stable condition, the dentist will help the patient to produce the impression of teeth and implant again and complete the dental implant process.

Dental implant is made of titanium alloy which is biocompatible. It can support the artificial tooth firmly. Besides, the dental bridge and artificial dental crown used in dental implant are made of porcelain, resin and other materials, which are very durable and solid. Dentist will choose materials according to the condition of the patient. Under general condition, the surgery of single dental implant is required for half an hour. For the dental implant of the whole upper jaw or lower jaw, the surgery is required for about 1 day.

The differences between dental implant and traditional dental bridge:

The stability and the bite force of traditional dental bridge are poorer, which will affect the sensation of mastication. Besides, traditional dental bridge have to be taken off and cleaned every day. Moreover, the teeth nearby have to be reduced in size in order to wear the traditional dental bridge. This will affect the dental health of the nearby teeth and cause resorption of alveolar bone.

On the contrary, dental implant requires only 4 to 6 artificial implant which can support 10 to 12 artificial teeth. They can be fixed inside the oral cavity and do not need to be taken out. They are very firm, time saving and convenient. Furthermore, dental implant will not cause any harm to other teeth. Porcelain dental crown is also very durable. The chewing sensation after dental implant is almost the same as that when chewing with real teeth.


Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2016年10月3日 星期一

牙科美容 -人造牙冠 (Crown)、牙貼面 (Veneer)


人造牙冠 (Crown)



牙貼面 (Veneer)



參考資料: www.bjdental.com