2016年1月25日 星期一


難於操控牙線清潔牙齒鄰面  雙手操控牙線的距離越大,牙線就越難操控。所以應把距離縮短至約兩厘米,並拉緊牙線,情況就會改善。初期可先嘗試使用牙線清潔門牙,熟習後再嘗試清潔後面的牙齒。

後面的牙齒鄰面難於清潔  要把操控牙線的手指放進口內,才能夠清潔後面的牙齒。

不正確使用牙線以致弄傷牙齦  正確地使用牙線是不會弄傷牙齦的。使用牙線時,要把它慢慢「滑」進牙縫,緊貼其中一邊牙齒鄰面,由牙齦溝最深的地方開始,輕輕上下拉動牙線清潔,這樣就不會弄傷牙齦。

牙線難於「滑」進牙縫  牙線難於「滑」進牙縫可能是由於牙石積聚的緣故。只需讓牙科醫生把牙石清除,情況就會改善。牙石清除後,切記每天刷牙和使用牙線清潔牙齒。

參考資料: www.bjdental.com

2016年1月18日 星期一




倒模後,在牙模上加工製造模擬效果(3-D Diagnostic wax-up),牙醫亦可於病人牙齒以黑筆塗去擬修改部份,製造摸擬效果。

牙齦修改(Gum Contouring)

(Gummy Smile),牙齦修改亦可大大改善此情。

瓷粉黏合 (Bonding)

(Composite Resin) 加在參差不齊、啡黃色、受損或破壞的牙齒表面上,能夠改善其色彩、外觀及排列。瓷粉黏合亦適用於蛀牙、斷牙或門牙空隙。但瓷粉不是很堅硬,故容易損毀或鬆脫。
價錢相宜, 簡單,可作緊急用途或當作塘瓷牙面前過渡期的補粉

參考資料: www.bjdental.com

2016年1月11日 星期一

Smoking ruins your teeth

Besides causing serious damages to general health, smoking also has adverse effects on oral health.

Consequences of smoking on oral health
-   Smoking may cause bad breath.
-   Smoking easily stains your teeth.
-   The chance of developing Periodontal Disease of smokers at least five times greater than that of non-smokers.
-   If a smoker who is already suffering from Periodontal Disease keeps on smoking, the nicotine in the cigarettes will jeopardize the healing potential of oral tissues and reduce the body resistance. This will worsen the condition of the Periodontal Disease.
-   Smoking increases the chance of oral cancer.

Ways to refuse smoking
-  Tell your friends that you don't like to smoke
-   Refuse cigarettes offered by others. Learn to say "no"
-   No matter where you are, insist on choosing "non-smoking areas"
-   Turn your office into a "smoke-free work place"
-   Encourage your family and friends to quit smoking. Refuse second-hand smoking Maintain a healthy life-style by having a balanced diet and exercising regularly to release stress

Ways to quit smoking
Discover motives
List out reasons for quitting as motives.
For example, quitting smoking can:
-   Save money
-   Make you look smarter
-   Make boy / girlfriend adore even more.
Make plans
Change habits that will trigger your urge to smoke. Make a plan that will help you quit smoking. At the initial stage of quitting, you may try chewing sugarless gums instead of smoking.
Persist to the end
You need to be determined and persistent that you will not to be affected by cigarettes again.
Seek help
Should you need help and assistance, please dial 2838 3266 for the 24-hour hotline of "The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health".

Reference information: www.toothclub.gov.hk/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2016年1月4日 星期一

Oral Trauma

Oral structure or teeth may be damaged due to an accident. There might be slightly loose, dislocated, fractured, or even avulsed (the entire tooth knocked off). Injury of oral tissues or oral structures such as lips, gingivae, oral mucosa, alveolar bone, or even upper or lower jawbones may be resulted. There might not be any apparent damage to the teeth
Bleeding can be stopped by pressing on the injured area and a dentist should be consulted immediately.
What is/are the treatments for tooth trauma?
A.Smoothen the fractured portion and apply topical fluoride on the tooth surface

B.Fill the tooth

C.Artificial Crown 
The dentist will remove the decayed, fill the cavity, and cover the tooth with an artificial crown.

D.Endodontic file. 
The Dental specialist, endodonist will remove the nerve and infected pulp, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed. In most cases, the tooth’s natural crown will need to be replaced with an artificial crown.
Reference information: www.bjdental.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.