2012年11月29日 星期四

Basic Concepts in Occlusion (1)

1. Major components for mastication

a. teeth: number, position, size, shape of the contacting surfaces

b. muscles for mastication and the innervations

c. joints

2. Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ)


l   between the temporal bone at the base of the skull and the condyle of the mandible

l   on the temporal side: glenoid fossa; articular eminence

l   on the mandibular side: condylar head

l   in between: a cartilaginous disc


l   at the beginning of the opening of the mouth: rotational movement like a hinge (the condyle remains in the glenoid fossa)

l   opening further: forward movement (the condyle move forward and downward along the slope of the articular eminence)

l   on chewing: one condyle (working side) stay in the fossa while the other side (non-working side) moves forward and downward

Reference information: www.bjdental.com/

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

