2012年2月28日 星期二

Oral Problems─Oral Trauma

Management after injury

  • Go for a detailed check-up at the dental clinic immediately after the injury. The dentist will give the following treatment according to the situation: smoothen sharp edges of the fractured tooth and apply topical fluoride, filling, pulp(Endodontic) treatment , crown, extraction or denture.
  • Although there might not be any apparent damage to the teeth after the injury, pulp necrosis may occur. Even if the tooth is vital right after the injury, it is possible that necrosis can happen within 5 years. Therefore, it is necessary to have follow-up reviews regularly as advised by the dentist.
  • If the crown of tooth has been fractured, you should try your best to find and pick up the fractured portion of the tooth and go to a dentist immediately. If the whole permanent tooth has been knocked off after the injury, you should keep calm and take the following actions:
    • Pick up the knocked-off tooth. Holding the crown without touching the root
    • Use half a glass of plain water or milk to gently rinse off the dirt at the surface of tooth. Do not wash or scrub the root of tooth to avoid damaging the soft tissues around the root.
    • Use the adjacent teeth as a reference, put the tooth back into the socket and gently bite your teeth to hold the tooth in place. The sooner the tooth is put pack, the greater the chance of it being preserved.
    • If there is any difficulty in inserting the tooth into the socket, immerse the tooth in a container filled with either milk or saliva of the injured person.
    • Seek treatment from dentist immediately

You should seek help immediately after oral structure or tooth injury because the sooner the treatment is received, the greater the chance of preserving the teeth. Afterwards, the replanted tooth should be reviewed by the dentist regularly to ensure the success of the treatment.

Reference information: www.bjdental.com , www.hkdentist.org

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2012年2月17日 星期五



牙齒組織 - 硬組織


  • 牙冠的最外層
  • 主要由礦物質(鈣、磷)所組成
  • 人體最堅硬的組織
  • 一般是透明或乳白色


  • 牙冠的第二層組織,被琺瑯質覆蓋
  • 一般是微黃色的,它的深或淺,會影響牙齒外觀的顏色
  • 內有很多微細管道連接牙髓


  • 覆蓋牙根表面的一層硬組織
  • 連接牙周膜和象牙質

B. 牙齒組織 - 軟組織


  • 牙齒的中腔部分
  • 滿佈血管和神經組織

C. 牙周組織


  • 俗稱牙肉
  • 一層軟組織,覆蓋牙槽骨表面
  • 健康的牙齦呈粉紅色


  • 一層纖維組織
  • 連接牙骨質和牙槽骨
  • 牙齒的緩衝器,能承受日常咀嚼的外力,避免牙齒受傷



參考資料: www.toothclub.gov.hk


2012年2月15日 星期三


l   咀嚼食物

l   牙齒是消化系統的一部分,用以咀嚼食物。

l   幫助發音

l   發音基本上由聲帶控制,不過要靠牙齒配合,才能發出不同的聲音。

l   保持儀容美觀





參考資料: www.toothclub.gov.hk


2012年2月10日 星期五

Dental disease causes stroke and Heart disease?

Gum disease can affect the state of your whole body. Over the past few years, studies have shown a definitive link between your oral health and your general health. Here are a few of the many health problems that can be aggravated by poor oral hygiene:

1. Stroke
Those with adult periodontitis may have increased risk of stroke.

2. Respiratory Infections
i. Inhaling bacteria from the mouth and throat can lead to pneumonia.
ii. Dental plaque buildup creates a dangerous source of bacteria that can be inhaled into the lungs.

3. Heart Disease
i. Those with adult periodontitis may have increased risk of fatal heart attack.
ii. And are more likely to be diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.
iii. Bacteria from the mouth may cause clotting problems in the cardiovascular system.

4. Severe Osteopenia
i. Reduction in bone mass (osteopenia) is associated with gum disease and related tooth loss.
ii. Severity has been connected to tooth loss in postmenopausal women.

5. Uncontrolled Diabetes
i. Chronic periodontal disease can disrupt diabetic control.
ii. Diabetes can contribute to bacterial overgrowth in the mouth.
iii. Smokers with diabetes increase their risk of tooth loss by twenty times.
iv. People with type II diabetes are three times as likely to develop periodontal disease than are no diabetics.

6. Preterm or low birth weight babies
i. Women with advanced gum disease may be more likely to give birth to an underweight or preterm baby.
ii. Oral microbes can cross the placental barrier, exposing the fetus to infection.

Remember, there are a number of advanced oral care remedies available to control or eliminate periodontal disease, such as antimicrobial mouth-washes, flossing regularly, and certain medications…and you thought all you needed was a toothbrush!

Reference information: www.bjdental.com, www.hkdentist.org

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.

2012年2月6日 星期一

Improper use of bleaching agents will damage!

There are several factors affecting the color of teeth, like natural aging process, nicotine stains, drinking coffee or tea, accumulation of plaque and tartar deposits etc. To prevent teeth coloring, you are recommend to brush / floss after meal and regular dentist cleaning. Improper use of bleaching agents will damage gums and tooth supporting tissues. Be careful when using bleaching agents and consult your dentist for proper usage of bleaching agents and it’s harmful to health if bleaching agent is ingested accidentally, so it is recommended to consult your dentist before.
What is/ are the treatment(s) for tooth whitening?
1.      Laser Bleaching.
The blue light has been clinically-proven for bleaching tooth enamel and can be done in dental office.  
2.      Take Home Dentist Supervised Bleaching.
Impressions (mould) of teeth are taken to make a model and a custom whitening tray is constructed from this model. The trays are filled with a gentle whitening solution, and are inserted and worn over the teeth overnight.

Comparisons of the professional tooth whitening and Over-the-counter whitening toothpaste

Professional tooth whitening
OTC whitening toothpaste
Treatment Time
~1 hour
1 month
Color Change
Average of 8 shades
1-2 shades
Long lasting
Loss of results with discontinued use
Superficial and interprismatic stains
Superficial stains only

Reference information: www.dental.org

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.