Bad Breath
There are several causes of bad breath including insufficient saliva secretion (dry mouth), periodontal disease or tooth decay, failed to thoroughly clean the denture, oral hygiene problem, smell from strong flavored food, smoking, etc.
To prevent the bad breath, you should practice a good oral hygiene, brushing twice a day, flossing regularly and routinely clean the dentures. Additionally, you would quit smoking and less intake strong flavored food.
The bad breath can be caused by oral diseases such as periodontal disease or dental caries, insufficient saliva production, it is important to have proper diagnosis so that appropriate treatment can be given. If the bad breath is caused by other health problem, the dentist will refer you to appropriate specialists for further consultations.
During sleep, the muscles and soft tissues in the throat and mouth relax creating a partial or even complete obstruction of the airways. When this occurs, the body’s reflexes attempt to maintain air volume and supply essential quantities of oxygen to the brain. As a result, air velocity increases in the constricted space causing the soft tissues in the throat and mouth to vibrate. Studies have shown that excess body weight, heavy alcohol consumption and other sedatives can increase the severity of snoring.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when a person stops breathing for 10 seconds or more. Sleep Apnea can result in daytime tiredness, reduced mental ability, irritability and irrationality, increased risk of stock. Increased risk of high blood pressure, etc.. Snoring can be an indicator of Sleep Apnea, so that it is recommended to consult with doctors.
An intra oral snoring prevention device that can reduce snoring and reduction of Sleep Apnea, please consult with your dentist for more information.
Oral Health Care during Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the hormonal changes exaggerate the response of the gum tissues to the plaque bacterial toxins, resulting in the development of “Pregnancy Gingivitis". Pregnant woman often crave for sweet and sour food due to dietary change. Food and drink intake may also become more frequent. Therefore, the chance of getting dental caries may increase.
Pregnancy Gingivitis can be prevented if the expectant mother can effectively brush her teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and before bed at night and floss her teeth daily to thoroughly remove dental plaque. This oral hygiene habit can also promote healing of mild gingival inflammation.
Pregnant women can receive scaling between the 4th to 6th month during pregnancy because within this period, the foetus is more stable. Hence it is more convenient for expectant mothers to receive treatments.
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Dentist for diagnosis and treatment.